



Russian Business Travel & MICE Award

General information

The annual professional award in the field of business tourism and MICE - Russian Business Travel & MICE Award – has been established in 2010 to promote and develop business tourism and congress services in Russia.

The award founders: The Business Travel magazine, Internet portal Conference.ru, the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation

The organizer: TB Events.

The project encompasses all participants of business tourism market - within its frames the best entities will be chosen in 15 major categories, among them: congress hotels (regions of this country, Moscow), congress center, an organizer of conferences and incentive itineraries in Russia and abroad, Russian TMC-company and an agency servicing corporate customers, national tourist office.

The nominations include:

  1. The best congress hotel in Russia
    1. category 5*
    2. category 4*
  2. Best Interregional Air Carrier
  3. Best Venue for Events: Sports Venues
  4. Best Event Venue: Cultural Objects
  5. Best Venue for Events: Industrial Venues
  6. Best Venue for Events: All-Season Resorts, Theme Parks
  7. Best restaurant / banquet complex for events (partner of the nomination committee for gastronomic tourism of the PCT)
  8. Best Conference Organizer
  9. Best organizer of incentive programs
  10. Best business travel agency (partner of the Union of Business Travel Agencies (SAD) nomination)
  11. The best regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the development of the congress and exhibition industry (partner of the nomination of the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
  12. Best regional convention and exhibition center (partner of the RUEF nomination)
  13. The best regional office in the field of development and promotion of the destination
    1. The best regional office in the field of development and promotion of the destination according to the NKB
  14. The best TIC in the field of creating and promoting tourism products for business tourism and the meeting industry (partner of the NAITO nomination)

In 2022 the Award sees itsfor the thirteenth time. 

The nomination for Russian Business Travel & MICE Award 2022 will take place at the project Internet site www.mice-award.ru in the period from April 1 to June 30, 2023. The open voting will be held in Internet from July 1 to August 31, 2023.

The 14-th annual ceremony of awarding winners and laureates will take place on November, 2023.

Information on the participation:

The participation in RBT&MA at all stages (nomination, voting, award ceremony) is free of charge.

The nomininaton of runners for the award takes place at the official site of the award - mice-award.ru - from April 1 to June 30, 2023.

To participate in forwarding nomination one shall fill in a required form that features the information on a nominee, as well as contact details:

  • Company name
  • Description of the company activity. The data are filled in in short arbitrary way
  • The reasons for the nomination. One has to indicate specific achievements, such as: the amount of business events held; volume, range or unique nature of services provided; active introduction of new technologies, logistics solutions and innovations into operations; indications of an  expansion of customer base and various competitive advantages.
    * The information on a nominee will be publicly available to users of the official Internet site from the moment the voting mode is activated  
  • Contact information.

Voting for nominees takes place at the official Internet site of the Award - mice-award.ru - from July 1 to August 31, 2023

There are certain restrictions at voting: from one and the same IP-address one may vote in favour of each nomination not more than once daily.

The Award Expert Council is set up by the Award founders to sum up the results of voting and select a winner in each category. Administrative directors of major Russian and international companies and corporations from various business areas - active customers of business travel services and MICE events - perform as experts.

Winners and laureates of the Award are determined based on the results of open voting online and overall assessment by the Award Expert Council.

Winners and laureates in the nomination "The most striking MICE project of the year", that has   special status, are determined by a special Expert Council of the nomination that includes professionals of MICE market, business travel, event industry, representatives of corporate customers from different business segments.

The award ceremony, at which winners and laureates are announced, will take place on December 1, 2023.
The guest registration for the ceremony starts on November, 2023.

The awards and diplomas will be presented by heads and official representatives of large state, private and public organizations, such as the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation, Russian Railways, MIG Corporation, MTS, Skolkovo Foundation, the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision, the press-service of the Department of economic policy and development of the city of Moscow and other bodies.

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